Sometimes, as soon as you meet someone you know that they are a very special spirit. Such was the case meeting Liam in 2018 during the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia celebration. In all actually we had met in passing the year before but only had a chance to exchange "hola's".
This time around, Liam approached me and spoke passionately about the need for Cuba's Transboy community to be more visible. He asked if I would be willing to work with him on a documentary film about their issues. Of course I said yes.
The filmed interview below, was conducted in Pinar del Rio, Cuba during a break from the activities of "La Jornada".
We hope to move forward with our film project in the coming stay tuned!

**BONUS** Check out this insightful and educational 4:00 minute on-camera interview with Liam conducted on May 16, 2018 in Pinar del Rio, Cuba.
Images of Liam during an exhibition of his photographic work "Blue Soul" in Pinar del Rio, Cuba; and during a press conference supporting the exhibit.
Additional photo (below) - Juani Santos, Cuba's first female-to-male Trans person.

All Images ©ByronMotleyPhotogrpahy - All Rights Reserved.